Stop Giving Weak Compliments, Say Something That Actually Hits A lot of men think they’re being smooth when they say, “You’re hot.” Bro, that’s the bare minimum. She’s heard it a thousand times from a thousand simps who had no game. Let me tell you for free, women don’t respect men who say what every other desperate guy says. If you want to stand out, you have to compliment unpredictably. Instead of vomiting out, “You’re so beautiful”, say: ✔ “Your sense of humor is refreshing.” (Shows you value her personality, not just her looks.) ✔ “I like the way you carry yourself.” (Confidence attracts confidence.) ✔ “You have a unique way of looking at things—I like that.” (Now you’re engaging her mind, not just her ego.) This does two things: It makes her see you as different from the rest of the weak, thirsty crowd. It makes her crave your validation even more. When a man who isn’t easily impressed gives a genuine compliment, it sticks. Women respect men who pay attention to more than just their appearance. They respect men who make them think. If you keep throwing out cheap compliments like every other guy, you’ll get cheap results, friend-zoned, ignored, or seen as a weakling who’s just there to boost her ego. Be different. Compliment with depth. And for the love of all things solid, stop simping. If you disappoint, you must appear before the council of brotherhood and explain why you've decided to disgrace everybody! #girlsapproach